Intial Setup

Initial Setup

Once you have the docker image running open your browser to http://docker-host:3000 and you will be greeted with the login screen. The defaut login details are:

Email admin@net.doc Password 1234

First Steps

Net-Doc comes completely empty. For this example we are going to build an asset register that stores asset entries with the make and model, then has an asset for Windows Computer and Chrome OS Device.

Asset Register fields

Before creating the asset there needs to be fields that can be added to it.

From the field manager add a few new fields.

Name Description Type
Asset Tag Name field for the asset register. text
Make/Model Used to store the make/model of an asset. text
Location Used to store the location of an asset. text
Serial Number Used to store the serial number of an asset. text

Creating the Asset Register asset

From the asset manager create a new asset.

Name Asset Register
Slug asset-register
Singular Asset
Plural Assets
ACL Default

This will take you to the new asset.

From the add field list select all the fields from the previous step using these values:

Field Helper Text Order Display on Table
Asset Tag The assets tag 1 no
Make/Model The make/model of the asset 2 yes
Location The location of the asset 3 yes
Serial Number The serial number of the asset 4 yes

Now edit the asset to fill in the rest of the settings.

Icon 🏢
Name Field Asset Tag
Sort Field Asset Tag

The rest can be left at default.

By Setting the Asset Tag as the name field it automatically appears on the table.

Once this has been saved the asset register will update on the sidebar with its new icon.

Windows Computer

Having a simple asset register isn’t that helpful but this is where Net-Doc’s relations come into play.

This asset will need some more fields.

Name Description Type Asset Relation Options
Device Name Hostname field for any device on the network. text    
Asset Relation to Asset Register relation Asset Register  
Operating System A select field for operating systems select   Windows 10, Windows 11 (Each on a new line).

As with the asset register create a new asset using these feilds and these settings:

Name Windows Computer
Slug windows-computer
Singular Computer
Plural Computers
ACL Default
Field Helper Text Order Display on Table
Device Name The computers hostname 1 no
Asset The Asset Register tag for this computer. 2 no
Operating System The operating system on the computer 3 no

Edit the asset once you have added all the fields with these settings:

Icon 🖥️
Name Field Device Name
Sort Field Device Name

ChromeOS Device

As with Windows Computers we need to create a new asset, but this time we already have all the fields we need. The only change needed is to edit the Operating System field to have ChromeOS as an additional option.

Follow the same procedure as the Windows Computers to create teh asset with these settings:

Name ChromeOS Device
Slug chromeos-device
Singular ChromeOS Device
Plural ChromeOS Devices
ACL Default
Field Helper Text Order Display on Table
Device Name The chromebooks hostname 1 no
Asset The Asset Register tag for this chromebook. 2 no
Operating System The OS of the Chromebook. 3 no

Edit the asset once you have added all the fields with these settings:

Icon 💻
Name Field Device Name
Sort Field Device Name

Adding Data

Its now possible to add data to Net-Doc!

Lets say there is a Windows Computer on the network called Desktop-456. It’s a HP EliteDesk 800 G4, serial number CND123456, Asset Tag ND00123, in the Main Office, and running Windows 11.

From the sidebar select the newly created Asset Register and hit Add Asset at the top right.

The new Asset needs the Asset Tag ND00123, the Make/Model of HP EliteDesk 800 G4, serial number of CND123456 and the location of Main Office.

Now head to the Windows Computer asset and hit Add Asset again.

This time the device name is Desktop-456 and the operating system is Windows 11. In the Asset field search for the Asset tag ND00132. Setting this will link the two assets. The Windows Computer will have an value in its entry that links to the Asset Register Entry. The Asset Register will have a linked asset in sidebar to the Windows Computer.