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Acceptable Use Policy

Start Screen has a system for enforcing users must sign an AUP before using it. Couple this with a filtering system that sends members of a group to this page and you can put a hard requirement on using the internet.

It only applies to students as staff should be agreeing to policies during their induction etc...


Through the admin panl you can access the Acceptable Use Policy which allows you to set:

  • The body of the policy as MDX.
  • Yes/No is the SUP required to view the start screen. (Turns the feature on and off).
  • Yes/No should all users have their AUP acceptance reset on save.
  • The DN of the group to remove users from.
  • The username of a user to reset thier AUP acceptance.

Group DN

If supplied the password resetting user set in config will be used to remove the current user from the group. If this is left blank nothing happens.

If you reset the AUP acceptance in Start Screen it does not add them back to the group.


Users are directed to /aup which has the full AUP on it and a box for them to enter their name as defined in teh database (it is shown to the user). Once they enter their name they will be able to click the sign button.