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Shortcuts appear on the Start Screen and can be limited to scopes. Each Shortcut has a title, image, link, priority and scope.

All staff are able to create shortcuts for any scope to allow them to manage the shortcuts for their own classes. Shortcuts will always appear for the user that created them.

Staff have an additional shortcut that links to the shortcut manager.



Scopes are added to the shortcut search if they apply to the current user.

All scopes are converted to lower case when used.

Available Scopes

ScopeDescriptionExample Scopes
allAlways addedN/A
localAdded to search if the user is coming from localIp.N/A
remoteAdded to search if the user is not coming from localIp.N/A
{userType}Adds staff if the user is a staff member and student otherwise.N/A
local-{userType}Added for staff and student if the user is coming from localIp.N/A
remote-{userType}Added for staff and student if the user is not coming from localIp.N/A
{username}Adds the current users username.N/A
{yearGroup}Adds the current students year group as set by the MISyear 8
{regGroup}Adds the current students form as set by the MIS8l
{class}Added for every class the student attends or the staff teaches.8l Ma
live-anyAdded for staff if any live stream is running.N/A
live-{id}Added for staff if the live stream of id is live.N/A

Using Scopes

When creating a shortcut you can create a comma seperated list of scopes that the shortcut should appear for.

The scopes can either be a name or RegExp pattern.


These examples use some group names that are specific to the groups at Longridge High School.

allApplies to all users.
staffApplies to all staff.
/mu/Applies to all groups that match mu for example a music class of 8c Mu
/8*/rg/Applies to all students in a year 8 registration group, and the staff that teach a year 8 registration group.


Shortcuts are ordered by priority and then alphabeticaly. 1 to 10 appear on the Start Screen and 11 will only show the shortcut on the all shortcuts screen.