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Info Messages allow you to display an Info, Warning or Danger message to set scopes over a given duration.

They are managed through the admin panel where you can add, edit and delete messages.

A message has:-

  • a Title, displayed at the top.
  • a Message which accepts HTML.
  • a type which can "Danger" (Red), "Warning" (Yellow) or "Info" (Blue).
  • a Start Date which is the first date it will be displayed.
  • an End Date which is the last date it will be displayed. Set this to the same as Start Date to have a 1 day message.
  • a Target which is where it links to (can be blank).
  • a comma seperated list of Scopes that works the same as shortcuts for displaying messages to a subset of users.

Only 1 message is displayed at a time, selected by findind the first message who's start date is before or equal to today, end date is after or equal to today, sorted by the closest end date first.