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Live Streams

The Live Stream system is designed to be used with this nginx rtmp server with the flowing configuration:

image: longridgehighschool/nginx-rtmp-ssl:latest
restart: always
RTMP_PUBLISH_URLS: http://host.docker.internal:3000/live/api/play
RTMP_DONE_URLS: http://host.docker.internal:3000/live/api/done
- /path/to/ssl:/var/ssl
- '1935:1935'
- '8090:443'

Where is the address the certificates cover. RTMP_PUBLISH_URLS and RTMP_DONE_URLS can be left as they are if the rtmp container and the start screen container are on the same host. Otherwise they need to be set to the /live/api urls for your container.

Be aware that /live/api... needs to be accessed using the url internal to the network, not the one running through Azure Application Proxy.

Creating a Live Stream

Through the Admin Interface go to Live Streams and create a live stream. The title and key can be anything you want. The key will be used in OBS to authenticate the stream. The RTMP_PUBLISH_URLS callback will reject any streams that don't have a valid stream key.

Once created it can be updated with a description to provide users some context.

Starting the Stream

Configure OBS with a custom streaming destination of rtmp://your.rtmp.domain/live and the stream key you set earlier.

When you start streaming start screen will update the live stream to say that it is live.

Linking users to the streams

Every stream gets a live scope that allows you to only show the shortcut to the live stream if it is running.

You can link to /live for a list of all currently running streams, or /live/{id} for the specific stream.

Live streams scopes and access to live streams only works for staff.

Live Stream page

Users are greeted with a page containing the streams description and a link to start the stream.

Once the stream is started there will be a large video unit showing the stream and a list of stream reactions for users to send to the stream dashboard.


The dashboard is available at /live/{id}/dashboard and shows the current state of the stream, how many viewers and a list of viewers.

When a user clicks an emoji on the stream screen it flashes up next to their name on the dashboard for 10 seconds.